Mathematical Applications Of a Rough Topology In Medical Events (COVID19)


  • Faraj.A.Abdunbi College of Science, Ajdabyia University
  • Ahmed.shletie College of Science, Ajdabyia University


Rough Sets, Lower Approximation, Upper Approximation Rough Topology, Core


This study aims to show that we can use the modern mathematics such as a rough topology to analyze many real life problems. The rough set theory is a good formal tool for processing incomplete information in an information system. The concepts of a rough topology based on the concepts of upper and lower approximations of a given set called universal. Rough set theory use in many areas. Here, we will apply this theory in a new medical event (COVID19). Our work us the rough topology to analyze many real life problems. Our result we try to find the good deciding factor   for the diseases COVID19..


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How to Cite

Abdunbi, F., & shletie, A. (2021). Mathematical Applications Of a Rough Topology In Medical Events (COVID19). Journal of Academic Research, 20, 7–10. Retrieved from



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