On The Completion of Hausdorff Topological Vector Spaces Using Nets
الكلمات المفتاحية:
Topological vector spaces، Cauchy nets، Directed sets، Convergence، Completion، Nets، Subnetsالملخص
This paper contains a direct proof of the result asserting that every Hausdorff topological vector space has a completion. The proof here is different from known proofs of this result, since it uses only the convergence of nets and their basic properties. The completion is constructed as equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences
Jarchow, H., Locally Convex Spaces, 1981, B. G. Teubner, Stuttgart.
Narici, L. and Beckenstein, E., Topological Vector Spaces, 2^nd ed., 2011, CRC press.
Robertson, A. P. and Robertson W., Topological Vector Spaces, 2^nd ed., 1973, Cambredge university press.
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الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 عادل بشير بادي

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