Unstable length femur fracture in pediatric group using SBP In Misurata medical center
Pediatric shaft femoral fractures are common injuries and account for between 1.4 to 1.7% of all fractures seen in this population.1 surgical intervention is the treatment of choice for pediatric femur fractures in patients age ≥5 years to skeletal maturity. 2 The surgery is dependent on many factors, such as age, fracture location, fracture pattern, and surgeon preference. 3 The surgery can be more challenging for length unstable comminuted and long oblique fracture patterns. Sub muscular bridge plating restores length and alignment and rigidly stabilizes the unstable pediatric femur fracture. The technique is minimally invasive, “bridges” the fracture leaving the soft tissue intact. 4 The technique is described here in detail.
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الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2025 Y Elghawail، O Alsaqaier M، Tlalah O

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