Speech Delay in Children: Causes, Impacts, and Interventions

Speech Delay in Children


  • Jinan M. Abugharsa جامعة مصراتة

الكلمات المفتاحية:

speech delay، delaydisorder، genetics، environment، early intervention


Speech delay manifests as a pattern observed in children encountering verbal communication challenges, stemming from a restricted vocabulary or a slower speech development relative to peers. Language difficulties manifest in various forms, encompassing hearing loss, autism, disruptions in expressive or receptive language development, and medical or physiological ailments. This discourse undertakes an academic examination of speech delay and disorder in children, accentuating its ramifications on social, mental, and educational facets of growth. Genetic influences, notably the FOXP2 factor, contribute significantly to speech impairments, while environmental determinants such as early language development contexts and socio-economic status exert discernible impacts. The imperative of early identification and expeditious intervention is underscored, necessitating tailored treatment objectives commensurate with the severity of the child's condition. The pivotal roles played by parents, educators, and speech therapists emerge prominently, pivotal in cultivating favorable outcomes and steering children toward their developmental aspirations with efficacy. The present review article aims to discuss the causes, the effects, and the early intervention for speech delay and speech disorder issues in children. Additionally, it highlights the role of technology in enhancing speech therapy for children who suffer from speech pathology diseases. When children's speech is processed by supported technology and pertinent feedback is given, therapies can be more successful.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Abugharsa, J. M. (2024). Speech Delay in Children: Causes, Impacts, and Interventions: Speech Delay in Children. مجلة البحوث الأكاديمية, 28(2), 106–113. استرجع في من https://lam-journal.ly/index.php/jar/article/view/723



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