Libyan Teachers' Perceptions of Needs Analysis Use in English Language Programmes


  • Amel Msimeer English Department, Faculty of Arts, Misurata University – Misurata, Libya
  • Omar Albukbak English Department, Faculty of Arts, Misurata University – Misurata, Libya


Needs Analysis, English Language Teaching


This papers aims to explore Libyan teachers' opinions towards the use of needs analysis in an English language programme which is introduced at the Faculty of Arts in Misurata University, Libya. The participants in this study are 25 Libyan teachers who work at the Department of English at the Faculty of Arts, in Misurata. Their teaching experience of English  range from three to more than ten years. The data for this study were collected by means of questionnaires which were distributed to the teachers and analyzed. The statistical data were analyzed by using Google Forms Application. The findings of the study revealed that Libyan teachers consider needs analysis as an important means in designing language programme course and learning materials. What is more, they reported that needs analysis can be conducted any time and it can provide Libyan teachers with a basis for the evaluation of an existing course.


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How to Cite

Msimeer, A., & Albukbak, O. (2022). Libyan Teachers’ Perceptions of Needs Analysis Use in English Language Programmes. Journal of Academic Research, 22, 13–24. Retrieved from



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